Photo mags: stylish, stirring, spendy.
Unless you know where to look, that is.
Get all the art rags you could want online without dropping a single ducat!
We’ve been dredging The Internets and rounding up 10 of our favorite webmags.
Get inspired, see what’s new, or submit your work and start building a name for yourself; just start reading!
10 Online Photography Magazines We Love
p.s. We still love printed magazines, too: JPG and Blind Spot are two favorites!
Photo credits: James Harris, Laura Pannack
Click on each magazine’s logo to see photos from the current issue!
1000 WORDS
1000 Words pairs cutting edge photos with photographer interviews and book reviews.
In this issue:
- Urban Japanese “landscapes with a corpse”
- A surprisingly evil collection of snowglobes
- Working-class portraits from South Philadelphia
Ahorn Magazine has some weird navigation issues; you have to do a lot of scrolling through each story to get to the pictures.
It’s worth it though: nice big photos, interviews with photographers, and good book reviews.
In this issue:
- A photographer goes through his grandfather’s house after his death
- Portraits of AIDS patients in Odessa
The photos in Blueeyes are presented in slideshows. It’s not our favorite viewing choice, but the photos are large and edgy. Also: sneak-peeks of soon-to-be-released books.
In this issue:
- Skatopia: 88 acres of skate-park anarchy
- Retired steel workers in Titusville, PA
- Review of Flight Attendants by Brian Finke
Burn focuses on the work of emerging photographers. Most of the photo essays are presented as slideshows with audio, but we like hitting mute and seeing one photo at a time.
In this issue:
- “Postcards” from the English seaside
- Heroic portraits of fast-food employees
UK-based Deep Sleep has an urban aesthetic. Each issue has a different theme: the first one is “invisible” (”alien” and “dance” are up next).
The site design is a little counter-intuitive; click on Stories to get to the good stuff.
In this issue:
- Industrial landscapes in China
- Night photos of the banks of the Thames River
Flak Photo features lots of book reviews, tips about online photography exhibitions and an enormous Photo-of-the-Day.
In this issue:
- Review of Sawdust Mountain by Eirik Johnson
- New print-based photography magazine Lay Flat
International photography is the focus of Lens Culture. The magazine also sells limited-edition prints by featured photographers.
In this issue:
- Life in the pre-fab environs of suburban Slovakia
- Traveling acrobat troupes
- A French photographer’s view of Egypt
MakingRoom pairs interviews with each photographer along with their photo essays. Photos can be viewed as slideshows or one at a time. The magazine also features a few painters and illustrators.
In this issue:
- Roadside portraits of stranded motorists
- The shantytown community of the Guatemala City Dump
French webmag Purpose looks and reads like the pages of a print magazine. There is very little text, and each issue has a broad theme like “memory” or “childhood”.
Two things we don’t like are the soundtrack that we can’t turn off, and using the arrow keys to turn the pages. Still, the photos are good enough to make us put up with it.
In this issue:
- Portraits of children and families
- Scenes from a little girl’s imaginary world
- Childhood photos of four sisters recreated by their adult selves
Though we don’t usually like slideshows, we like what Vewd does with them.
The photojournalism site uses multimedia with audio to create a hybrid of photography and documentary filmmaking. We like.
In this issue:
- Leprosy patients in Vietnam
- An annual Christmas light feud in Charlottesville, VA
- Transient hotels in San Francisco’s Tenderloin district
- FOTO8: Online version of the popular UK magazine.
- mooncruise*: Fashion photography mag that looks just like Wallpaper*.
- FILE: Unusual perspectives on common subjects.
- VII Photography: Photos of everything from Amy Poehler to Tanzanian albinos.
- Bokeh: All in Spanish, downloadable as a PDF.